European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill 2020

In accordance with the provisions of the withdrawal agreement, the United Kingdom has taken a transitional period called the “transposition period”. During this period, EU legislation continues to apply to the UK in the same way as before the withdrawal date. To do this, the withdrawal agreement contains provisions, so that references made in UK law to the `EU`, `EEA` or `EU Member State` include the UK during the transition period. The transition period is due to end on 31 December 2020. The European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Act 2020 is the legislation that enforces the withdrawal agreement in Uk law. On January 23, 2020, the law received royal approval (now law). The bill was reintroduced immediately after the general election and was the first bill introduced in the House of Commons in the first session of the 58th Parliament[5] with amendments to the previous bill by the re-elected government and was read for the first time on December 19, just after the first reading of the Outlawries Bill and before the start of the debate on the Queen`s Speech. The second reading took place on 20 December, the third on 9 January 2020. On January 22, 2020, the law was passed by the House of Lords without further amendment. The next day she obtained royal approval. [14] [15] On January 21, 2020, the House of Lords passed the law after passing five amendments. However, these amendments were overturned by the House of Commons the next day. [12] [13] The bill, originally described by The Independent as a “diving” towards conservative rebels, would have allowed MPs to review each “line by line” agreement and make changes.

[8] Conservative MP Steve Baker wrote to The Times stating that the new bill “gives any agreement that we have a good reputation with the EU in British law” and that it is compatible with the referendum result of “giving more control over how we are governed by the British Parliament.” [9] The withdrawal agreement sets out the conditions for the UK`s withdrawal from the EU, which will come into force on 31 January 2020 at 11pm (hereafter the withdrawal date). Most of these instruments are expected to come into effect on the day of release (11 p.m. on January 31, 2020). However, the withdrawal agreement postpones the entry into force of these instruments at the end of the transitional period, also known as the “spiritual completion day” (defined at 11 p.m. on December 31, 2020). The withdrawal agreement passed its third and final reading in the House of Commons on January 9, 2020 by 330 votes in and 231 against. [11] Letter to the Minister of Government Affairs and Constitutional Relations of the Cabinet and Secretary of State for Leaving the European Union – 8 January 2020 (173 KB PDF) The withdrawal agreement came into force on 1 February 2020, 17 October 2019, at the same time as the political declaration setting out the framework for the future eu-UK partnership.

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