On 14 November, the UK government published its draft agreement on the UK`s withdrawal from the European Union (EU), scheduled for 29 March 2019. The next step in the draft agreement is approval by the British Parliament; this is expected in the coming days. These can be read at the same time as the UK government`s plans for the IP system in the event of a non-agreement, as they are designed to be transposable to a situation in which the expected withdrawal agreement has been concluded. As a result, the proposed transitional regime, if approved by Parliament, would provide a degree of security for next year around the application procedures. This can certainly only allow businesses and individuals to avoid potentially significant cost waste. Without the proposed transitional regime, the EU enforcement mechanisms currently in place would no longer have an effect. Applicants may be required to take further legal action, either in the United Kingdom or abroad. Beyond other more controversial aspects of the proposed draft document, a degree of security on these issues must be a positive step. The draft treaty provides for the transition period to run from 29 March 2019 to 31 December 2020. During this period, the UK will continue to comply with all EU rules and will be subject to the jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice. The impact of Brexit on the pharmaceutical industry, particularly the interruption of drug supplies, has been a central theme of the negotiation process. To enter into force, the withdrawal agreement must be approved: Robert`s comments on the proposed withdrawal agreement were published in World Trade Mark Review, World Trade Mark Review and IP Pro The Internet.
In summary, if Parliament approves the revised draft, there will be very few changes to cross-border application during the transition period. The transition period is expected to last 14 months after October 2019 and end in December 2020. Subsequently, the provisions of the withdrawal agreement on judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters would expire. In the meantime, it is hoped that an alternative agreement will be negotiated so that justice practitioners and their clients have some degree of certainty about the legal framework governing the prosecution or defence of rights against individuals and institutions in the EU. This is due to the fact that the draft withdrawal agreement states that “a drug authorised in the Uk for Northern Ireland is not considered a reference drug in the EU”. Another step towards a withdrawal agreement between the UK and the EU-27 was taken on 14 November 2018, with the publication by the European Commission of the fully negotiated version of the draft withdrawal agreement. A document is also published out of the future economic and security relations envisaged. In the event that Parliament votes against the proposed agreement, the question arises as to whether British complainants who are currently involved in enforcement proceedings against an EU party can continue to rely on them. It depends on the attitude of the courts in other EU Member States.